This is rather deceptively titled, since all of it came from live-in-the-studio recordings, no audience- we split hairs about a lot of things, but that wasn't one of them. This very full 60 minute compilation was culled from the best of the rehearsal tapes between July and November of '84. We first narrowed it down to from roughly 60 hours of tape to three 46 minute tapes, which we had an awful time trying to cut down from there. (It would make a very good double CD set...maybe one day...)

The little box up above with the tiny writing is a link to a full-sized version of the credits page that Kenny wrote out by hand, copied, and inserted with each tape. In order to make it legible I had to make it large enough so that you have to scroll around- so I thought it should have its own page. File size is small though (38k), so have no fear, it loads fast.


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